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International Dating Etiquette and Dining Manners![]()
Bring your table manners with you when you date foreign women.
When it comes to international dating etiquette, thousands of single men follow the proper method. That’s good! But you must also show your charm when it comes to a dining setting. It would be hard to impress your lady if you are missing either of these qualities. In this article we will provide you with some basic dating etiquette and a list of table manners as your guide towards scoring the perfect date. 1. Dress for the occasion.It's time to polish your wardrobe and put on the best attire you have for the occasion -- in this case, it would be your date. Dress to impress, as they say, and gain the best first impression when your lady sees you from afar. Make sure your attire is compatible with the theme, although you can always go for semi-formal attire, or a classic suit and tie. 2. Be punctual.This is an unspoken rule when courting a lady. You must arrive earlier than her. This will show that you are excited about the date and that you look forward to spending time with her. As a result, this will make her feel valued and important. 3. Be a gentleman.Observing proper behavior and reliving the old times where men used to worship women can bring a whole new level of attraction for you. Ladies with class, or most women rather, love men who do chivalrous deeds. Chivalry is not dead, and when the world keeps saying so, it’s all the more reason you need to prove them wrong. 4. Give her compliments.Every woman wants to feel valued and secure, and giving her compliments is one way to do that. Flattery is a double-edged sword, and when used appropriately, you can score a lot of points on your date. If not, you will just make your lady uncomfortable throughout the time you’ll be spending together. 5. Ask questions.Make your lady feel appreciated by getting to know her more. Maintain eye contact as you ask questions. Be mindful about the topics to be discussed, and make sure you don’t overstep your boundaries. Take note of the appropriate questions to ask a foreign woman and make it your guide. One of the most important things to remember is that dating etiquette goes hand in hand with your table manners. So what are table manners? These are rules used while eating, but they are not hard and fast rules; rather, they are helpful guidelines in creating social relationships over food and drinks. Different cultures observe different rules for table manners, and it is important that you respect and follow these if you want to impress your foreign lady. Table Manners1. Make good use of your napkin.One of the most important dining manners is to be hygienic, and making good use of what is provided, like your table napkin, for example, is one way of achieving that. Unfold the napkin on your lap upon sitting down. There are some formal settings where it is considered uncivil when you tuck your napkin into your collar. Make sure to do your research beforehand, and observe your surroundings so you won’t leave a bad impression on your lady. 2. Removing unwanted food from your mouth.Food is removed with the manner in which it is put into the mouth. When you are using utensils, you remove the food also using the utensils. In the same spirit, when fingers are used to eat food, then you remove the food using your fingers. In this case, these things are best done in the men’s room, not in front of your lady. 3. Excusing yourself.Leaving the table without saying anything is rude. When leaving for the restroom, you can simply say, “Excuse me, I’ll be right back.” You don’t have to specify where you’re going, especially in an appropriate setting. 4. Electronic devices.The number one rule of table manners is that things that are meant to be on a table are the only things that must be seen on the table. Electronic devices such as phones and other gadgets are not necessary, especially when you’re out with your lady. If your phone rings, turn it off immediately, or if you must take the call, you have to excuse yourself and explain it in a way that she’ll understand. 5. Seasoning food.When you go on a date at a restaurant, proper manners dictate that you taste your food first before seasoning it. That way, you won’t be considered rude and offensive to the people who prepared your food. 6. Speaking while eating.As the famous line goes, “Chew ten times before you speak.” If you have more than a few words to say, you have to swallow your food first. Rest your utensils down on your plate and speak before you resume eating. 7. Reaching.Only reach for food that is within arm’s length or when you can slightly lean forward. If you can’t, you can politely ask your lady to pass the food to you, that is if it is within her reach as well. 8. Unfamiliar food.When you are dating a foreign woman, there are inevitable times where you will indulge in foods that are unfamiliar to you. To play it safe, you can ask her questions like how the food should be eaten. 9. Eating quietly.Don’t scrape your plate and don’t chew loudly. It is unpleasant to hear and considered impolite. Avoid major mistakes like smacking and slurping foods as well, as it is a sign of bad table manners. 10. Elbows.Never, ever lean your elbows on the table when dining. It is only acceptable to lean on the table when no utensils are being used. International dating comes with a lot of baggage. There are certain rules to follow that are acceptable in society, especially when it’s in a foreign country. A lot of men are confused as to why dating etiquette is necessary. Also, why are table manners important? Keep in mind that it is considered basic courtesy, and you have the opportunity to apply your acquired knowledge. A man of class never goes out of style. Whether on a date with your special lady or at a dinner party, dining rules still apply. They are called universal rules for a reason, and it can help a lot when you want to impress foreign ladies. Think you know everything there is to know about basic dating etiquette and table manners? Then perhaps you’re ready to impress foreign ladies. Join our singles vacation tours and meet these women in person. Sign up now! |