Russian Dolls


BELGOROD DNESTROVSKY is situated 80 km from Odessa-city. This city is as old as Rome, Athens, Jerusalem or Beirut. The history of the city starts 2500 years ago, when in VI century BC Greeks build a city Milet on the east shore of the river Dnestr (the old name of the city is Tira).The city had its own coins and actively traded with different Barbarian Tribes and other cities. During its long history the city was conquered and occupied by Rome, Barbarians, the Bulgarian Kingdom, the Hungarian Kingdom, the Tatars, Moldova, the Turks and Russia. In Belgorod Dnestrovsky one can find the ruins of an ancient city Tira, a medieval Fortress and other historical landmarks.

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  • Deribasovskaya Street
  • Duke de Richelieu
  • A statue of Dobrinya Nikitich
  • Churches of Odessa
  • Odessa Opera House
  • The Passage Mall on Deribasovskaya Street
  • Potemkinskaya Steps
  • Scenic Overviews
  • Yacht Club

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